Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Science is the New God

I missed last weeks post and I really wanted to talk about Blade Runner so I'm going to talk about that this week. 

Blade Runner presents us with an extremely frightening look at the future. The movie shows a post-apocalyptic world where society is controlled and determined by scientists. These scientists all play a vital role in the society and in science. In this world, the sun is darkened and acid rain falls regularly. Replicants with 4-year life spans and adjusted/determined memories are placed on another world to do slave labor. Roy and a few other replicants escape the colony in search of meaning and life and they fight the people that created them.

In this world, the most powerful men are the scientists. They created the Tyrell corporation and they colonize other planets. Tyrell, the leader is given a god-like statute and his company’s motto is “more human than human”. Tyrell also refers to Roy as his “prodigal son”. In Blade Runner, science has replaced god as the highest authority in the world.  The Tyrell corporation creates a new sense of theology which states that technology and science is the work of Gods, which supports the idea that Tyrell is either a sort of God himself or some sort of prophet.

In this world, science has become completely become integrated and mixed into consumer society. The scientists are the ones that provide all the services and products in society. The combination of the extremely powerful consumer society and this newly empowered scientific power have shown to be an extremely destructive and dark mechanism.

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